Wild Faith Wellness Update

Hey darlings!
I finally decided to change my insta name to reflect what my business offers now in relationship with the last year and a half of transformation. Due to many factors of life, family, land access, priorities and pandemic, I am no longer farming in Vermont as Wild Faith Herb Farm. Instead, as Wild Faith Wellness, I offer education, consultations and herbal remedies founded in cultural accountability, intersectionality, accessibility, pleasure, justice and radical love.

I pray that one day in the future, I can be married to the land again and grow herbs with immense love from the farm. Until then, I will continue to offer my small batch remedy endeavors harvested honorably from my garden and the Wild. Wild Faith Wellness’ education has always been and will continue to be land, heart, pleasure and justice-based. Stay tuned for more educational offerings this growing season! #herbalism #femme #pleasureactivism #farming #smallbusiness #justice #reverence


I belong as I am.


Queer Love to king yaa