I belong as I am.

I belong as I am. I am pleasure as joy overflows. - Scorpio Full Moon Spell Cast

Every full moon I give the blood from my moon back to the earth and make a moon essence with sacred water and stones. This one turned into a daffodil flower, labradorite and amethyst essence. The past moon cycle I have been diving into the feeling of belonging. Who do we belong to? Do I even feel like I belong to myself...the first step for me to consent is my understanding of body sovereignty. @thebodyisnotanapology by Sonya Renee Taylor is such a game changer.

How do we, as herbalists/healers/witches, feel a sense of belonging? Our most fundamental sense of place is the land, the water and the elements. Our ancestors and plantcestors speak in whispers. Are you listening?

What took that relationship away? What made us forget to listen? Colonization, white supremacy, slavery and all forms of oppression take us away from ourselves, from the land and from God. Violence rips us from all forms of creation. How can we belong if we don’t even belong to ourselves?

So I pray for belonging. I pray for radical self love and liberation. I pray that we all return our bodily waters and blood to the earth and reclaim justice for ourselves and for all that connects us.

It is time, my loves, that we belong to one another again. It is time to center pleasure for the most marginalized. It is time we call ourselves in for perpetuating violence, oppression and othering. Belonging makes room for abundance of joy, play, connection and liberation. Make room for radical love.

About to start @adriennemareebrown new book We Will Not Cancel Us. So pumped for more juicy insight into my own forms of perpetuating cancel culture, and ways to center pleasure over and over again.
#pleasureactivism #fullmoonritual #fullmoon #dafodils #floweressences #labradorite #amethyst #wildfaith #scorpio #thesexherbalist #radicalselflove


Radical Gratitude Spell


Wild Faith Wellness Update