The truth is the paradox. A Lesson from yarrow.
The way of love is not a subtle argument. The door there is devastation.
Birds make great sky circles of their freedom. How do they learn it?
They fall, and in falling, they’re given wings. — Rumi
Surrender. Center. Arrive. New moon magic for me entails going deep, making space and planting seeds. Spell casting as a way to listen, reveal and heal.
Last night I made a pink yarrow flower essence starting at sunset and allowing the flowers to steep until after the new moon’s peak. The method of flower essence crafting I enjoy is a non-harvesting form. It feels the least disturbing to the energy of the plant.
Yarrow has an affinity for healing deep wounds physically and spiritually. Affinity for trauma. The pink yarrow connects to our sexuality and regenerative energy. In my experience, pain and pleasure are the two sides of the same coin. Yarrow reminds me of the taste of truth is sometimes bitter, but in the end it always brings healing.
As Rev Angel Kyoto Williams expresses in the book The Radical Dharma, “All that is deeply true is a paradox.” And so much prayer, spell, affirmation for this new moon is to surrender. To FUCKING LISTEN!! Listening for the Truth. Asking my mind to shut the fuck up, so there is space for my intuition to whisper, make space for my ancestors to speak. I surrender to the Truth that I don’t know therefore life is open to every possibility. I surrender so that the wounds that I protect and I am afraid to be revealed can be nurtured. Falling into love in order to fly. #yarrow #pinkyarrow #floweressences #achilleamillefolium #newmoon #herbalism #wildfaith #rumi #radicaldharma @zenchangeangel thank you for your forever inspiration